How to cancel a Centurylink account?

CenturyLink is a telecommunications company. The company offers various products to the customers which include Internet, television, and voice services. The company is based in Monroe, Louisiana, and is currently one of the largest companies in the US. If you have been using CenturyLink’s services for quite some time now and you have a Centurylink account then if you think of switching to another provider, then you can cancel or disconnect your CenturyLink account or by cancelling your Centurylink services.

Steps to cancel a Centurylink account

You can follow below steps to cancel your Centurylink account:

1.       You can call the Customer Services number of Centurylink. A CenturyLink customer service representative will assist you on phone in the cancellation process of your account. You need to call the correct customer service line depending on the type of service which you are currently using. You can call residential lines from Mondays through Fridays between 8 AM to 6 PM and you can call for business lines from Monday through Friday between 8 AM to 6 PM.

2.       You can inform them that you want to cancel or disconnect your Centurylink account. The representative on phone will then ask you for your name, phone number, and account number, which you can find at the upper portion of the CenturyLink billing statement. You can wait on the line while the representative processes your request.

3.       You need to pay the outstanding balance if any. This means in case you have any unpaid statements prior to your request of cancellation then you need to pay it before your account gets fully cancelled. You can provide any bank account or credit card information to the customer service representative where the unpaid balance can be charged. After this is complete, the representative from Centurylink will give you a “cancellation confirmation number,” which you need to take a note of for future reference.

4.       You can claim any deposit that you have made before. If you were asked by CenturyLink to make a deposit when you got your service then you can get the deposit refunded together with interest. This is however possible only if you canceled your account after 12 months from the date it started.

Centurylink customer service number

You can take Centurylink services and then you will have a Cenurylink account. When you are using it if you have any issue or you need some information then you can get customer service from them regarding your service and account. For this you can dial Centurylink customer service number.


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